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The initMessaging function, provided by the Messaging library, plays a fundamental role in initializing communication infrastructure within your browser extension. It establishes the connection between your extension's components and facilitates the exchange of information between them.


  • Sets up a communication channel with the background script, acting as a central hub for message routing within the extension.
  • When initMessaging is called, it typically performs the following actions:
    • Establishes a connection to the background script using a mechanism provided by the Messaging library (e.g., chrome.runtime.connect).
    • Attaches event listeners to:
      • The connection's onDisconnect event to automatically re-initialize the connection if it drops.
      • Incoming messages from the background script to handle communication with other components.
import { initMessaging } from "@ext-browser/messaging/background";

// Call this function at the top of your background script file:

// Your background script code goes here


  • The function takes a single optional argument, an object destructured with default values (). This object can contain two properties:

onPortDisconnect (Function)

  • An optional callback function to be invoked when a connection is disconnected.

onPortConnect (Function)

  • An optional callback function to be executed when a new connection is established.