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Sends a message to a specific recipient component within your extension.

import { sendMessage } from "@ext-browser/messaging/{{extensionComponent}}";

sendMessage("EVENT_NAME", { hello: "world" });


recipient (String)

  • The identifier of the component you want to send the message to background, content:{tabId}, devtools:{tabId}, popup, sidepanel


  • content:1234 // Send Message to content script in tab id 1234
  • content:active // Use active tab id so it will send data to active tab

eventName (String)

  • The name assigned to the message, used for categorization and routing within the Messaging library.

eventData (Object/Any)

An optional data payload that you want to transmit along with the message. This data can be any format suitable for your communication needs (objects, strings, arrays, etc.).

Return Value

If the Messaging library is configured for asynchronous communication, sendMessage returns a Promise object. This allows you to handle the response message asynchronously, providing a mechanism for two-way communication.

Handling Errors and Timeouts in sendMessage

Case 1: Recipient Not Found (Timeout)

  • Scenario: The recipient component (background script, popup, etc.) is unavailable or not listening for the message within a specified timeframe. Timeout is 30 seconds`.

Case 2: Recipient Function Throws Error

  • Scenario: The recipient component receives the message but encounters an error while processing it.