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This function used in communication scenarios involving isolated content scripts and main content script. this function is used only in content script with ExecutionWorld.ISOLATED


  • Listens for messages sent from the main window (where background script and non-isolated content scripts reside).
  • Allows isolated content scripts to receive information and potentially trigger actions based on messages from other components.


eventName (String)

  • The identifier for the message you want to listen for. Messages can be categorized using custom event names to differentiate between different communication purposes.

callback (Function)

  • The function that will be called when a message with the specified eventName is received. This callback typically receives two arguments:

    • eventData: The data payload contained within the received message. This data can be any type of information (strings, objects, arrays, etc.) that the sender wants to communicate.
import { onWindowMessage } from "@ext-browser/messaging/content";

// Listen for messages from the main window (can be filtered by eventName)
onWindowMessage("BUTTON_CLICKED", (eventData) => {
// Process the received data from the main window
console.log("Received message:", eventData);

Return Value

onWindowMessage itself doesn't return a value.